Hawaiian Phrase of the Week: Ua ola no i ke pane a ke aloha

I came across this old Hawaiian proverb recently: ua ola no i ka pane e ka aloha (pronounced: oo-ah oh-lah no ee kah pah-neh a keh aloha) which means “There is life in a kindly reply.” As we are now deep into the holiday season, this phrase feels so poignant. 

My biggest illusion is that I truly believe I can fix the world’s problems. It’s an audacious and rather arrogant point of view. Who am I to say that I can fix everything that is wrong in the world? But that is what motivates me to try, especially during the holidays. I want to make sure that  someone receives the support they need, that kupuna who are alone have some company and a hot meal, that children get a toy during the holidays. I am not so financially well off that I can give everyone in the world what they need but in the end sometimes those in need simply need a smile and know that you are there to support them. Ua ola no i ka pane e ka aloha. 

And that is the reminder I need…sometimes, what people need the most isn’t the “thing”, but rather to know they are strangers out there that care about them. That someone who may be homeless isn’t just ignored on the street….and the that smile you give them, may be the spark they need to know that there are people who want to help.  

How do you show ua ola no i ka pane e ka aloha

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