Hawaiian Word of the Week: manawa

Thanksgiving is this week….but somehow I keep thinking “Wasn’t it just Halloween last week?” But somehow the manawa (pronounced: mah-nah-wah), or time, between Halloween and Thanksgiving somehow continued to move without me really realizing it. 

When I was younger, people always said as you get older that time seems to go faster….that your kids are the barometer for how fast time can go. “The days are long but the years are short.” I find myself contemplating how my manawa on this planet is getting shorter. I’m becoming more aware of all the things that I still want to do and see and becoming less tolerant of people in my life who stress me out…and becoming more grateful for all the adventures of my past, and all the adventures that are yet to come. 

We at She Lives Aloha/Hawaii at Home are all incredibly grateful for you…our ohana.

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Our ohana on Maui still needs us. Please consider donating to help the relief efforts on Maui.

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