Hawaiian Word of the Week: noho ke aka

Diana’s Pool, National Tropical Botanical Gardens, Allerton Gardens, Kauai.

I remember when I took this photo. This was one of my first trips to Kauai and I wanted so desperately to explore all the island had to offer. I needed the distraction…I had been laid off from my job…a job where I gave them 10 years of my life. I was bitter, angry and worried all at the same time. 

I did the walking tour of the Allerton Gardens on Kauai and we stopped at one of the “rooms” in the garden, Diana’s Pool. A little building, a pool and a statue of the goddess Diana at the end of the pool. Standing at either end of the pool, you had the perfect noho ke aka (pronounced: no-ho keh ah-kah) of what was on the other end. 

It was then that I started to think about noho ke aka…and during that trip, I started to think more objectively about what had happened at work. Feedback had been given to me that I was pushing too hard (although to this day, I would say I was pushing for the right thing) but rather than understand how I was perceived by others, I just ignored the feedback and kept going. I became difficult to work with….all because I couldn’t take the minute to understand on how my behaviors impacted others. 

10 years later…that moment of seeing the noho ke aka of Diana’s Pool changed me…significantly. I’m a different person now….having grown and matured all because of a walk through the garden. 

Have noho ke aka changed you? How?

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