Word of the year: Mohala

Mohala. Often confused with mahalo or moolah, I found this word while working at a craft fair in December. The lovely Anjal and her Na Pau Designs were sharing our booth. The simple meaning she gave to me was growth. All weekend I looked at the various designs with the word Mohala. Something about it was sticking in my mind. I was searching for my word of the year—my intention.


At first glance, it might seem like a strange word for someone who may have to face the opposite this year: death. My dad has pancreatic cancer. The man who has given me life and helped me to grow now needs me to help him through one of his greatest challenges. As an only child, I now have to morph into the role of truly being an adult, letting go of my needs to be taken care of and being there for him and my mom.

It would be nice if that was the only thing I needed to focus on, but I seek growth in other areas of life. There are so many parenting books for the early years of childhood, but I feel like nobody told me that I would need even more advice as the kids advance in age. You don’t always have the child that you were. I was a compliant, though occasionally smart-mouthed, girl who followed her parents’ rules. My almost nine-year-old wants to know where it is decreed that parents make the rules.

In light of all that is going on it is easy to be tense and short with the people who deserve it the least. So another area where I am proactively trying to grow is as a parent. Our kids model what we do. During their time of mohala I want them to see a person who handles life under pressure with grace and, of course, aloha.


Yet, if you really unfold the meaning of the word mohala—it is more like blossom, like the petals of a flower would. Hawaii News Now had this definition:

The metaphorical unfolding of an idea or an initial plan which then evolves into a fully realized vision.

2019 was the unfolding of She Lives Aloha. Lori and I are just starting to show our petals—they are peeking out of the green bud that is starting to bloom. We hope you watch us grow in 2020 as we continue to deliver reminders that aloha is with us every day.

Take that extra second to ask how someone is doing and really listen to their answer. There is always a story because life is very rarely perfect — except when we are back in Hawaii.

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou! Happy New Year.

Find your word of the year and tell us what it is in the comments.