She Lives Aloha

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Hawaiian Word of the Week: Ka la hiki ola

One month ago, Co-Founder Lori gave birth to her second child (yes, in the middle of a global pandemic!) and found herself up at all hours of the night with a newborn once again. As a result, she was awake for many a sunrise. What once was a time of day she slept through, soon became her favorite time of day. She’s up by 5 a.m., brews herself a cup of coffee and sits by her east-facing window, curled up with a throw and gazes out at the watercolor masterpiece of pinks and oranges framed between her window panes. She sits back and takes a moment to be still before the rest of the household wakes up and the hustle of the day commences. It’s a chance to be present, welcome the day and start it with renewed purpose.

So today’s Hawaiian phrase of the week is ka la hiki ola [kah laah hee-kee oh-lah] or “the dawning of a new day.” Whatever kind of day you had yesterday, may you find a moment for yourself today to recenter and recharge before taking care of those who depend upon you.